Located inside FirePower, our friends and partners from Physiomed Milton have been keeping our members and our staff healthy and active for over a decade. They understand our training philosophy, they know our coaching methods and they train alongside us regularly.
A strong relationship with our care partners, our coaching staff and you makes for a holistic integrated approach to your fitness and health. WIth your permission, your Physiomed team member can communicate with our coaches on your behalf to ensure we are all working together!
All new and current FP members are encouraged to get a Functional Movement Screen (FMS) done at least once a year. This is a testing tool we use to see how an individual, no matter their age, is moving in everyday life. It takes into account both mobility and stability and equips the physio team and our coaching team with information to make programming or substitute movement decisions with precision and purpose. Our goal is to keep you safe, moving properly and minimize any downtime from injuries or age-related impact.
Make Fat Loss Your Goal, Not Weightloss
In less than 60 seconds, the InBody test provides easy-to-understand, accurate and objective measurements to evaluate health risks, monitor fitness progress and achieve fitness goals.
Measure your muscle increase or age-related decrease, manage your body fat, monitor your water and track your progress. You can even bring the results to your doctor!
Book an scan every 6-8 weeks to monitor progress and track your journey.
FirePower Members ($20)
Non-Members ($25).