
Is What

Building a community of fitness, health & longevity through coaching and connecting.

We Do!

At any age & stage of life.
Whether you are starting over or
looking for a refresh, you can do this!

FirePower isn't just a gym. It’s a place where lives are transformed. Where fear and intimidation give way to inspiration, achievement & a renewed self-confidence. We value effort over everything.

Fitness for life

Get your body moving the way it's supposed to and be ready for whatever life throws at you! FirePower members get fit, lose weight and GET STRONG! Every workout offers a new challenge in a friendly and fun environment.


For Health

Goal:  Increase Lifespan

We match our prescription of how to workout to achieve wellness, but the community, connection and training methodology does not change. CrossFit is ideal to establish health, avoid disease, and focus on longevity and quality of life through aging.

a woman in a red tank top
a person lifting weights

For Fitness

Goal:  Increase Healthspan

Your healthspan is the portion of your lifespan in which you are physically and mentally fit. Improving body composition, seeking a first pull-up, weightlifting, learning new skills and higher intensity workouts.  Even finding joy in local competitions. This is where fitness gets fun!

For Performance

Goal:  Improve at Sport

These clients have already achieved a high level of fitness and require a tailored training plan to help them achieve success in their athletic endeavours.  Some athletes choose to compete in the sport of CrossFit, while others use CrossFit training to improve and support their current sport development.

a man chalking his hands to work out

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Client Testimonials

We are a group of people who have become friends and enjoy our work outs together. There is a wide range of abilities but we all have the same goal, to be healthier and fit. Each of us is there because we want to be there and we do not bring any egos. We may be old but we love our Crossfit and even more we love to live life to the fullest and Crossfit fit helps makes it happen.
Chris Blay
I love how the CrossFit family doesn't look at my size or what level I'm at, but sees my potential, and where I will be months away from now. I can't see it yet, but I know everyone at FirePower can. You have the most amazing staff I have ever met!!
Jessica Williams
I just love my gym…it is so ‘unconventional’. Nothing pretty about this place…but I don’t want pretty I want results. Boxing is now my new love and even at 60 I feel like I’m stronger than I have ever been. The best coaches (instructors) have helped get there safely.
Linda Harding
It’s a whole different approach and how refreshing! Mitch was great. He helped us to learn the moves quickly and execute them safely. My body is real tired and I can’t wait for tomorrow!
Truly one of the best gyms I’ve seen across North America. You have some great coaching going on in Canada!
Stephane Rochet, Head S&C Coach, U of SanDiego
Friends, family, fitness and fun. This gym has everything. I can not speak more highly of the staff and owners. I love this place!!!
Erin Dawson
Best physical activity in my lifetime!! To all my clients, friends and family join me here ASAP!!
Jameel De Stefano
Since joining FirePower I am less stressed, and am a much happier person. I’m so proud of myself and what I’m able to accomplish here, so I’m walking taller and feeling younger. I have so much more energy and the more I workout, the more active I want to become. I used to look at the WODs and think that they were impossible. Over the last 5 months that attitude has changed. I now feel nothing is impossible..
Carmen Schembri
I just wanted to tell you how much Alicia and I appreciate the environment FirePower fosters. Everyone is approachable and supportive regardless of what level of fitness they are. A lot of gyms can be very intimidating and feel like a “have to” but your gym is a “want to”. I have belonged to several gyms, social teams and function but I must say FirePower has been most fulfilling! You guys our truly like our extended family.
Shawn Smith